
School Rules and Regulations


In accordance with the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, the school observes the academic session from April to March.

” First Term : April to September.

” Second Term : October to March.

The school observes Summer Vacation, Deepawali Vacation and Winter Vacation.


  • The school prepares the students for All India Secondary / Senior School Certificate Examination of CBSE for class es X and XII.
  • Admission is open to all, having attained the minimum age of three years, irrespective of caste, creed or social status.
  • The name of the child may be registered for admission to classes Playway to XII. Parents should complete all formalities for admission within ten (10) working days after Registration. Registration does not guarantee admission.
  • At the time of admission to class Playway to K.G., parents are required to submit a Birth Certificate from the “Registrar of Births” as proof of age. For other Classes list of documents required may be collected from the Reception .
  • Admission to Class I to VIII will be based on the previous class results.
  • Admission to Class IX & XI will be based on the previous class result and admission test.
  • Admission to Class X & XII will be based on the result of Class IX and Class XI respectively and an admission test, as per the norms of CBSE.
  • Students who excel in sports will be given weightage for admission.
  • Admissions are subject to vacancies.
  • Students migrating from other schools must submit:
    a. Transfer Certificate/School Leaving Certificate in original duly countersigned by the authority of the respective board (other than CBSE affiliated school).
    c. Photocopy of the Transfer Certificate/School Leaving Certificate and Registration Card attested by the Principal of previous school.
  • The admission of a child to the school means complete acceptance by the Parents/Guardians of the school rules laid down/amended from time to time.
  • All disputes are subject to U.T. Chandigarh jurisdiction.


  • Attendance of 75% of the total number of working days of the school in an academic year is compulsory. No pupil shall be eligible to appear in School / Board examination unless he/she puts in the required percentage of attendance. This rule holds good in respect of all classes. Parents are particularly requested to take note of this rule.
  • If a student remains absent for six working days his/her name shall be struck off from the school rolls and the student may be readmitted only at the discretion of the Principal. The readmission charges will be charged as per school rules
  • Once a student joins his/her class on a working day he/she will not be permitted to leave the school during school hours, except in case of emergency. Parents should come personally to take their ward with the permission of the Principal.
  • Leave of absence will not ordinarily be granted on the first and the last day of the school term.
  • Attendance on the first day of school after vacation is compulsory. If a child is not present on the reopening day after vacation, a fine of Rs. 100/- per day shall be levied. Non-availability of reservation will not be accepted as an excuse for absence on the reopening day.
  • All applications for leave should be addressed to the Principal and submitted to the class teacher, on or before the day the leave is requested.
  • No pupil shall absent himself/herself from the class without obtaining prior permission of the class teacher. If prior permission cannot be sought on grounds of health or unforeseen circumstances, an application for leave must be sent to the class teacher, not later than the following day. The Vice Principal may sanction leave up to three days and leave for more than three days will be sanctioned by the Principal.
  • A medical certificate shall invariably support all applications for leave on medical grounds for more than two days.


The School shall not be liable for any damages/charges on account of injuries, fatal or otherwise, which may be sustained by the student at any time during his/her stay in the school, while taking part in studies, sports, tracks, tours, excursions and extracurricular activities, within or outside the school premises. All expenses for treatment in such cases will be borne by the Parents/Guardians.



  • The school rules are applicable to the students from the time they leave home for school.
  • Ignorance of school rules will not be taken as an excuse for breaking them.
  • Always remember to say ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’ and ‘Sorry’, which are the most graceful words.
  • All students must carry their Almanac and identity card.
  • Students should stand up, button up their blazers and remove their hands from their pockets at the approach of the teachers and visitors and GREET THEM.
  • Any breach of conduct is an offence.
  • English is to be spoken at all times.
  • It is prohibited to bring Mobile Phones/Electronic gadgets/Valuable
    Articles/Jewellery/Smart Watches/ Wrist Bands to school. If a student is found in possession of a mobile/Electronic gadget in the school, it will be
    confiscated. It will be returned to the parent at the end of the academic
    session with a fine of Rs. 5000/-.
  • Personal lockers are available at main Gate for the convenience of students (charges as per school rules).
  • Students themselves are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
  • Students of classes VIII to XII are allowed to wear a wristwatch.
  • Students are allowed to commute by Motorcycle, Scooter or Moped, provided they have a valid Driving License and written permission from the Principal. It is compulsory for the boys as well as girls to wear a helmet.
  • Magazines, novels, comics, etc. should not be brought to the school.
  • Waste paper and other refuse should be thrown into the colour coded bins. Polythene bags are strongly discouraged.
  • During assembly and recess students should not remain in the classroom.
  • During school hours no student shall leave the school premises without the written permission of the Principal. Permission will be granted only on request from the parents.
  • At a time only one student per class is allowed for conveniences against a pass issued by the teacher.
  • Students are prohibited to buy eatables from street vendors.
  • Visitors and friends are not allowed to meet students during school hours.
  • Parents are requested not to visit the classrooms of their children.
  • Teachers and Prefects are responsible for discipline in school and for the enforcement of rules.
  • Student may be sent home for: –
    i. Coming late to school.
    ii. Not wearing proper uniform.
    iii. Parents not having signed the diary.
    iv. If suffering from contagious diseases.
  • Students should be courteous to all the non – teaching staff members.
  • Peanuts, chewing gum and junk food (noodles, burger, chips, cold drinks, etc.) are prohibited.
  • Lending and borrowing money or other articles is not allowed.
  • Any damage to school property even by accident must be reported to the class teacher or House Master/Mistress.
  • Parents/Guardians are liable to pay for or replace any damage to school property without any dispute.
  • Bunking of classes is strictly forbidden.
  • No attendance will be given for the suspension period.
  • Parents are responsible for the welfare of the child after the school hours. It is understood that the school authorities will take all care and precautions to safeguard the pupils.
  • School rules may be changed without any prior notice.


  • Ragging is strictly prohibited in the school.
  • Students should at all times maintain high standard of manners. In particular-
    a. They should show consideration for the needs of others.
    b. They should take pride in their personal appearance.
    c. All ladies, masters and visitors should be greeted.
    d. They must stand up (and remove hands from pockets) at the approach of ladies and gentlemen of their acquaintance.
  • Students should not write or scribble on walls and desks.
  • Running and shouting in classrooms and verandas is prohibited.
  • Habitual idleness, irregular attendance, disobedience or misconduct is sufficient reason for the dismissal of a student.


In summers the school gate will be closed at 8:00 am and winters at 8:25 am. Fine will be levied as under:

a. Students of Classes I – VIII Rs 50/- for not wearing proper uniform / coming late to school.

b. Students of Classes IX – X Rs 100/- for not wearing proper uniform / coming late to school.

c. Students of Classes XI – XII Rs. 200/- for not wearing proper uniform / coming late to school.


  • Parents are requested to see that their children are neat and tidy for school each morning.
  • Blazers, jerseys and ties are to be worn during winter.
  • The middle button of the blazer should be fastened except when seated.
  • A pullover should not be worn under the shirt.
  • Students of class III and above should wear house T-shirts along with sports dress for all sports activities.
  • Undergarments must be worn with school uniform.
  • Plain black shoes are to be worn. Broad or designed shoes are not allowed.
  • Girls with long hair should make two plaits. (Two ponytails for shoulder length hair).
  • Boys should keep their hair short. Use of hair gel is prohibited.
  • Girls to wear cycling shorts with tunic.


  • Only Blue and Black pens to be used by the students.
  • Pencils are to be used up to class IV.


The entire School Estate is in bounds with the exception of: –

  • Servant quarters, Stores, Kitchen, School Office, Reception, Visitor’s Room, Staff Rooms, Canteen, Hostel Linen Room, Basement, TT Hall and Dormitories during school hours.
  • The Dispensary (except for the students under treatment). The Computer Room, Class Rooms other than the student’s own. The Dining Hall except at mealtime.
  • Outside the School Gate after the school hours.


  • Classrooms must be kept tidy.
  • Students should not write or scribble on the walls and desks.
  • Windows must be fastened at all times whether open or closed.
  • Lights and fans must be switched off when classrooms are vacant.
  • The monitor must report to the School Office in case the class is without a teacher.
  • Running and shouting in classrooms and verandas is prohibited.
  • The monitors are responsible for discipline in the classroom in the absence of the teacher. In case of difficulty, they should seek help from the teacher / House or School Prefects.
  • No student is allowed to operate the Smart board/Brio board in the absence of teacher


  • To maintain discipline in class.
  • To ensure that fans /lights / smart boards are switch off.
  • To report to the class teacher about those who create indiscipline.
  • To see that students, move in a line. when they are leaving the class for assembly, activity, games etc
  • To send student out of the classroom only with a pass.
  • To see that the classroom is neat and clean.
  • To seek help from the teacher on duty in case of any difficulty.


  • Entry in the Computer room is restricted.
  • The class having the computer period will not enter the computer room without the permission of the computer instructor.
  • Students and instructors entering the computer room must clean their hands.
  • Silence must be observed in the computer room.
  • Monitor screen must not be touched.
  • Keyboards must be handled properly.
  • Eatables, sharp objects, pens, boxes etc. are strictly prohibited in the computer room.


  • Silence has to be observed in the library at all times.
  • Every student will be allowed to borrow One Book at a time, which should be returned within Two Weeks from the date of issue. During examination books will not be issued unless special permission from the class teacher is granted.
  • Reference books / Periodicals will not be issued.
  • The books can be issued/returned only during the library periods.
  • Back date journals/magazines will be issued to students & staff members. Readers can make use of the current journals/magazines in the library only.
  • School bags/personal books are not allowed in the Library.
  • Library mal-practice (stealing, tearing of pages) should be notified to the librarian immediately.
  • If a book cannot be put back from where it was taken, it should be left on table
  • Any difficulty experienced by students in the use of the library services may be brought to the notice of the librarian.
  • Students & Staff must produce NO DUE certificate from the librarian before they leave school.
  • A fine of Rs. 10/- per day shall be charged if books are not returned within the specified time.
  • In case of loss or damage to the library book the student will pay the fine determined by the school authorities.


  • Silence is to be maintained at all times during the practical classes.
  • Lab coats should be worn during the practical.
  • Chemicals should be placed at allotted places.
  • Chemicals/apparatus should be handled with care.
  • All chemical tests/experiments should be done in the presence of the lab assistant or the teacher concerned.
  • The table should be cleaned before leaving the lab.
  • Stools should be kept in order/place before leaving the lab.
  • Gas burners and taps should be switched off before locking the lab.
  • Glassware and apparatus should be cleaned and kept at their respective places.
  • No student should enter the lab in the absence of the teacher/lab attendant.
  • No chemicals should be taken away.


  • Entry to the auditorium is restricted.
  • The class visiting the auditorium will not enter the same without permission of the teacher.
  • Silence must be observed in the auditorium.
  • Eatables, sharp objects, boxes etc. are strictly prohibited.


  • Playing games, running or shouting in the quadrangle is not allowed.
  • Walking on the grass is forbidden.
  • Plants and trees should be cared for.
  • Flowers should not be plucked from the school / public / private gardens.


  • Students are forbidden to enter the canteen. They should stand in a proper line outside the canteen and make their purchases.
  • Students are also forbidden to go to the canteen at any time other than recess.
  • Students will not behave aggressively with the canteen proprietor or any of his employees.
  • Students will not litter the area around the canteen or the grounds.


  • All items lost / found in the school premises must be reported / deposited with school office.


  • If the school bell be heard at an unusual time or heard for longer than the usual period, the school will assemble in the football ground for roll call / assembly.


  • Only members of the Staff and Prefects have the power to punish.
  • Class Monitor is not allowed to punish the students but should only report the offense to the class teacher / prefects.
  • Corporal punishment is not allowed.
  • The prefect on duty will supervise punishment drill during the break.


A student is liable for expulsion from School/Hostel if he/she is found:

  • Abusing or misbehaving with a teacher or any School staff member.
  • Consuming or in possession of cigarettes, liquor or any form of drugs.
  • Indulging in any act of violence / damaging school property.
  • Indulging in ragging.
  • Stealing articles of school/hostel mates.
  • Scaling school boundary wall.

The following steps would be taken before a student’s permanent expulsion from school:

  • The student would be counselled at school.
  • The teacher will write in the student’s diary to inform his/her Parents.
  • Observation Card will be issued for the student.
  • A yellow card (warning) will be issued and parents will be called to meet the Principal.
  • A blue card (suspension for two weeks) will be issued.
  • A red card (permanent expulsion from school/hostel) will be issued. Reassurance from the student’s parents or the guardians will not be entertained.