Principal’s Message

Knowledge is the light that has guided us through all the stages of life. Education is the medium by which we attain this knowledge. Education is a pre-requisite for the development of every individual. A school is an institution that fulfills our need for this necessity. It is the place where children are groomed into worthy individuals to achieve success. We imbue the qualities of determination, self-belief, and perseverance which guide the children to attain their goals.

Charles Darwin’s theory of “Survival of the fittest” cannot be better explained than today, to define the present competitive scenario where the future is not just nation-oriented, rather the world depends upon the youth who need to be self-reliant, determined, and confident; thereby becoming multi-taskers, adaptive to any change, devising strategies for the survival and putting their best foot forward in all walks of life. The vision of this school is to instill and imbue these skills which will help students in meeting the global employable opportunities.

I would like to end with a quote-

“Never give upon what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.”

Albert Einstein


Mr. Manish Hablani
